Friday, March 2, 2012

The Last 5 Weeks

We've hit spring break (early I know!) and I've just been reflecting on the last few weeks. The last five weeks to be precise. My friends have all decided we are writing a musical called the Last Five Weeks and its all about what has happened to us since. Madeline and I agreed that there hasn't been a single boring day this entire semester...we've just been doing fun things, fighting (hey it happens), and busy with shows. Anyways, I thought I'd share some pics from this semester. Props to Madeline for taking all of them haha.
This is our How I Met Your Mother group, which is basically our central group of friends. We celebrated Isaac's birthday in style with some surprise cake after a rehearsal.

Then we celebrated Valentine's day. Also known as SAD day. Most people think its single awareness day, but we called it Snuggle Awesome Day because we went to steak and shake for dinner and then snuggled and watched Enchanted at Isaac's house. Snuggle Awesome Day should be every day!

Then the day after Valentine's day, we celebrated MY birthday! This lovely lady organized our friends to go out to dinner at the greatest mexican restaurant around!

Then this week I performed with these lovely ladies in Women and Wallace. Actually, Samya my friend on the right was in a different show, but whatever. That is my lovely make out girl costume. Slutty right? ;)

Madeline and I are best friends. But seriously.

We've all been enjoying this fabulous weather lately by hanging outside practically all day!

Dillon tries to be epic. All the time. But that is why we are friends.

Madeline, Me, and Isaac all wore black one day. We thought it was a momentous occasion. So we celebrated. And laid in the grass for an entire day. 

So that's just a small glimpse of all that's been going on. If only we had pictures from the late night Ihop trips, the nights that Madeline and I stay up being giggly roommates, and the rehearsals we've all been attending. But we don't. Oh well! Here's to another great few weeks and a happy spring break!

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